Steal like an artist – Kunstpodium T, Tilburg – 2-25 October
“Good artists steal, bad artists copy,” spoke Banksy that borrowed it from Picasso, who borrowed it from TS Elliot, who borrowed it from another poet. The idea that artists are authentic geniuses that stand on the shoulders of giants, has remained quite persistent. With contemporary artists it is the case that many are inspired by predecessors.
Yearmaster 2019/2020 Niek Hendrix will close off the season with a curated exhibition.
Artists: Anika Hochtenbach, Anna Püschel, Bernardus Baldus, Charles van Otterdijk, Claudia Volders, Giel Louws, Guus van der Velden, Hans Overvliet, Jonathan van Doornum, Joëlle Goutier, Lars Reen, Rosa Johanna , Sander van Deurzen, Ton Kraayeveld
Publically open: Friday 2 to Sunday 25 October, 13 – 17 h.